Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let's start this off

So, there we are, first blog, first words, first sentence.
Its sunny out in Toronto, and I sit in my little office with no windows. Well, at least you do not get too distracted then. Today has been a hard day, as has yesterday and the whole last tow month. The unspeakable happened on February 27th, Mike died. It was such a shock, so unexpected. He was the one cheering me up before his surgery, smiling. Driving back to the hospital, I got the call form the surgeon 'are you with someone' - I knew this wasn't good. My friend Barry and I hurried inside the hospital, the truth was too much to bear. Seeing Mike, lifeless, getting cold, I just couldn't stand it. Live had turned upside down. That night Mark, Julie, Todd and Barry came over. We couldn't talk...The next morning, and ever since, the place next to me in our bed is empty. I miss you so much Mike!