Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My mum and I went on a trip to Ottawa over the weekend to visit Mike's parents, gram and 'the king'. I feel really sad being there without Mike. I stayed in his old room - it just felt so empty! There is so much sadness around the house. Folks have written more than 100 letters and cards to Jan and Max. The support is overwhelming - but it doesn't change a thing. I mean it's great to have this awesome support, but we all just want him back!Mike's parents welcomed us with the biggest BBQew steaks I have ever eaten; and were they ever delicious, tender and grilled to perfection! Max is a true master of the BBQ, and Jan a true master in making pies! I have a 'new' favorite pie: rhubarb-strawberry, so so good! But first night we had an apple pie, my 'all time' favorite! The next day, Jan had made perfect breakfast, eggs and bacon on croissants with fruit salad. Then, we went on to stroll through the city, sightseeing at Parliament hill, which was full of girl-scouts, the Rideau canal, and Byward market where everything is neatly stacked - can tell me someone why they are so tidy? I mean, look back home, its just chaos...doesn't it take up way too much time and energy to arrange everything so neatly, and then trow it into a bag when the customer
buys it?

We had a great coffee and pastry at a french 'boulangerie' before we continued strolling along some tulip fields. It just happened to be the tulip festival, however, half of the tulips were already dead. That still left plenty, as they are supposed to have more than a million bulbs - 100.000 of them donated by the dutch for liberating their country during WW2. Later, Jan made a turkey, delicious as always and well appreciated at this unusual time of year.

in Jan's garden

The next morning, again another typical Canadian breakfast: oatmeal pancakes with lots of maple sirup. Later, we strolled along the tulip fields along Dow's lake and the Rideau canal. Some of the flowers were still very beautiful, even if everything was swamped with people, in particular, busses full of chinese. After that, we had a short walk through the woods at stony swamp: it's so good to smell clean air, hear birds and see only green around you! My mum made is rouladen in the afternoon - how I had missed those and their sauce! They tasted like Christmas at home!

In the end, I asked my mum, which she like more, Ottawa or Toronto. She said Ottawa...I sort of have to agree, the buildings are more beautiful, the air and streets are cleaner, there is more green - and the Gatineau - but Toronto is definitely more interesting!
And, I was really surprised how much English my mum understood and spoke! I hardly had to translate!

My mum's visit

So, my mum flew over the big pond to visit me in April, super exciting, as it has been her first plane ride since 40 years! She took it well, even saw the smoking volcano in the distance over Iceland, and went through customs without any problems! Its too bad that the weather turned out to be quite crappy that week, cold and rainy....She did many things on her own, as I had to work. I feel bad about it, but there is no way of changing it as long as one doesn't get longer holidays in North America!
I took here two some of my favorite places: 'Sushi on Bloor' - it was kinda funny seeing her eating Sushi with a fork....I suppose, as long as it tastes good, everything is allowed! 'Big Fat Burrito' - no words are needed for that...'sukothai' - delicious, but spicy is still not spicy at all. and 'jumbo empanadas'. Of course it also inlcudes 'Joe Rockheads' as I spend so much time climbing there. She took pictures of Clem and I climbing, the time went flying by! I hope we impressed her!
On her last morning, we went for typical American breakfast, pancakes, bacon, fries....jummy!

Toronto Island

Finally, summer is here! We have temperatures (already!) better than any dutch summer, I have experienced. So, Clem and I planned a day on Toronto Island on victoria Day - it's located in lake Ontario right in front of the shore line of downtown Toronto. Arriving at the ferry at 10:30am was not early enoug - in turned out we were not the only ones with that idea...What a surprise on a sunny, warm, holiday monday! Anyway, we got there, i took about 50 pictures of t
he view onto Toronto from the boat.

It was an awesome day! you are just 20 min away from the city, but you don't hear it anymore, nor smell it, nor see it if you are on the right end! There were lots of trees, picknick benches, lawns, sand beaches (with or without naked people), boats, and people! Walking along the beach, hot hot sand, you could barely walk in it! and then, dip your feet in the water and cool down...The sand had cool colours, ranging from, well, sand-colour, to red, glitte
ry grey to black! and beautiful stones in all colours when the water drove over them! Really cool to watch and try to picture in a photo!

We had a jummy picknick with Clemence's delicious quiche, addictive chocolate cookies, pasta salad, fresh pineapple and kiwis. I say, we live very well :)

On the way walking around, you could smell BBQ everywhere - nex
t time, we have to bring one! Best take half day off from work, go swimming and BBQing...why I am still @ work???

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May it be

Saturday, I ventured once more into Middle Earth with elves, dwarves, wizards and hobbits.
Why can there be no place like this in reality, where there is simply good or evil? I want to fight with a sword, fight along my companions for the greater good, fighting orcs and other evil creatures. And why is it always the men fighting, why are there (almost) no women picking up a sword? As if we could not fight! I am not quite sure why I am so fascinated by fantasy worlds - I guess you can forget everything around you and wake up in a new world. And of course, you are the hero, the best sword fighter there is. Not a human, naturally, as they are always to plump. Watch Aragon, I mean, he is good, but not really elegant. Then watch Legolas, that's graceful and elegant. So, I take my place as an elf - well, and female elves fight, I suppose. And then, let's go to Middle Earth, defeat Sauron and Saruman and restore peace - wait if there is peace, then there will be no more fighting needed. But I guess, a new evil will come, it always does.
It's time to put in the second disk...

'May it be an evening star, Shines down upon you. May it be when darkness falls, Your heart will be true. You walk a lonely road. Oh, how far you are'

Monday, May 3, 2010

A climbing weekend

Saturday was the shortest outdoor climb ever. We went with a big group of climbers to Buffalo Crag. I took my rack and was eager to do some lead climbing. Barry and I went on top of the cliff to set up two top-ropes. The anchors were almost done, had found a placement for a cam, then whumm. Thunderstorm and rain....we packed in and hiked back to the car...So much for climbing. The first shower went past and we had a look at some rock - actually did some 5.0 climbing to get down - and it rained again.

Barry and Todd getting ready

That was it, back to Toronto and True North. We still had a good time there. Though I chickened out in doing the lead test - next time, promised!

Todd while doing the lead test.

Clem and I finished the night with delicious thai food and a long walk to lighten our bellies from Parliament and Dundas to St. George.
And more climbing at Joe's on sunday. Clem and I went again! It was nice and empty, and we did some cool stuff. Clem did all the 5.9's! It was a good afternoon out, even if the sweat was running down our face :) I want to again, but I think my body wants a rest.