Monday, May 3, 2010

A climbing weekend

Saturday was the shortest outdoor climb ever. We went with a big group of climbers to Buffalo Crag. I took my rack and was eager to do some lead climbing. Barry and I went on top of the cliff to set up two top-ropes. The anchors were almost done, had found a placement for a cam, then whumm. Thunderstorm and rain....we packed in and hiked back to the car...So much for climbing. The first shower went past and we had a look at some rock - actually did some 5.0 climbing to get down - and it rained again.

Barry and Todd getting ready

That was it, back to Toronto and True North. We still had a good time there. Though I chickened out in doing the lead test - next time, promised!

Todd while doing the lead test.

Clem and I finished the night with delicious thai food and a long walk to lighten our bellies from Parliament and Dundas to St. George.
And more climbing at Joe's on sunday. Clem and I went again! It was nice and empty, and we did some cool stuff. Clem did all the 5.9's! It was a good afternoon out, even if the sweat was running down our face :) I want to again, but I think my body wants a rest.

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