Riots in Toronto - it was a wise decision to leave the city. The university kicked us out off the building at 6pm, wednesday afternoon, locked the doors, and gave us some extra free days. Clemence and I rented a car and went off to Ottawa on thursday morning. We stayed with Mike's parents in Kanata.
Paul in his community orchard
It was a pretty relaxing weekend, lots of reading, watching the Jays win, loose, win, loose on Max' gigantic TV, and having great food from the BBQ. Friday late morning we went for a short hike in the Stony Swamp area, where Mike and I had gone in the winter for skiing. It was different now, we were almost alone, saw a deer, birds, turtles, and moskitos and bugs kept flying around our heads. In the afternoon, we tried climbing at Vertical Reality on Victoria Island. Well, we were not too impressed. It was small, old grips and old walls. The routes were definitely another style, involving big steps that gave us some trouble. The bouldering area was not too bad. Coming home, the BBQ was already on, waiting with BBQed pork tenderloin, peppers and pineapple.
The unfinished fence on the orchard
Saturday, we spend in the Gatineau with Paul and his family. Starting the day with brunch, Paul's signature waffels with maple sirup, bacon and fruits. It was nice to hang out with Mike's good friends Andrew and Paul. It's great to hear stories about his crazy youth, climbing supermarket roofs, going inside and scaring the security guide, running from the police, climbing hydro towers, and spinning the car in full speed, crazy guy! During our two hour walk in the woods, the deer flies kept attacking, and the moskitos biting us - I am glad we didn't camp...
During the walk in the Gatineau - shooting with me new 50mm/f1.4 lense
And sunday, Germany:England on the big screen - and what a game! The Germans played great, they are going fast towards the goal and are fun to watch. Looking forward to the next game against Argentina, then Portugal, then Netherlands in the final....summer dreams!